ponedjeljak, 14. siječnja 2008.

"What the bleep do we know?"

It's a book, and movie, made by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse and Mark Vincente, fascinating one, at least I liked it:)

It all started when William took Ramtha's courses of enlightement, Ramtha is still one of the greatest mysteries, he is mystic, philosopher, master and hierofant. During one course Ramtha was talking about molecular biology, quantuum physics..and all other sciences, at once he added - "Someone could wrote a book about this!" William felt that call:) Eventually, step by step idea came true..

But I have no intention writeing about the movie, nor the book, excpet two chapters - Emotions and Addictions.

What are actually emotions? Mystical experience that cannot be defined, or is it something that can be defined, sensible, perceptible?

Once when dr. Candace Pert fell from horse, she had to take morphines during her recovering, as she was a scientist, she asked herself how does this drug work and make her feel better?

Eventually at the surface of cells, she found receptors for opiates.

This revelation was outstanding, it dragged some new theories and relations. It turned out that our body, has receptors for endorphines, these ones are responsable why a runner feels ecstasy after running.
As a matter of fact, every emotion is placed into a molecule, and every one of these molecules match to chemical substance placed in hypothalamus. When these two apsorb - we feel emotions!

The relation between drugs and emotions seems to be quite big, as drug can make you an addict making you take more and more, the same thing emotions do.

Why do you feel so bad and depressed sometimes? And no matter how many obligations and marvellous things to do, books to read, friends to chat with, surround you, you're still melancholic?

Why do you like beeing in love, when you lose your mind and feel no ground under feet, or why do you keep running (in case you don't have to lose weight), driveing fast cars, argueing when you're nervous??? Don't you think that you just might be a junkie?????

Me, I'm such a junkie:)

Information paradox

Please, do recall some of the quarrels you ever had?! Let's start, I remember argueing with Mom about why I dislike eating that white part of the meat, or bean and carrot in the soup..

I had few quarrels during school time, considering places to go out, falling in love with same guy from school, getting an F from physics:( (Who would of say that I'll be studying it nowdays?!)

Let me present you maybe the craziest quarrel in the universe, yes that's right - universe!!!!
The story goes like this, Mr. Stephen Hawking, famous scientist, wrote a lot about black holes, they became his main preoccupation, during his work he came to disagreement of one of his colleagues -Leonard Saskin.

Saskin claimed that, when you approach to a black hole, your body separates to electrons, ions and enters the black hole, but when you do get in, body feels no high temperatures nor separation of particles. Once when you come out of a black hole, body is preserved as one, just like as it entered the hole. What he wanted to say is that information is outstretched at the horizon of the hole, but information isn't destroyed!!

According to Hawking black holes swallow informations, and if body gets into the black hole it is going to be destroyed, just like informations about that same body.

Saskin eventually confirmed that cause and consequense are related and our memories intact.
But hey, niether Hawking hasn't stayed indebted, with a help of a young student tried to deny the Saskin's thesis, and he did, but he did the same with his own thesis!! Imagine that friendliness!!!!

Now Hawking came to a thought - if there are more parallel universes, and in some of those you will find no black holes, in some you will find plenty of them!!! Now we come to effect similar to matter-antimatter, these universes with no black holes annihilate universes that do have black holes.
Finnaly, what is left, are only universes with no black holes!!! After all, we got no black holes where information could disappear!!!

Saskin's idea was cool, but with no mathematical background, which means that Mr. Hawking is again at the top! Whose step is next?

What a quarrel, don't you think?